Phone Scammers still at it!

I don’t know how many times we have emailed alerts and posted here, but phone scammers are still hitting targets.

Customers are still coming in with their computers saying ‘that some guy from Microsoft or Spark called” and now their computer is passworded and compromised!

If anyone phones you, BE SUSPICIOUS! If you answer the phone and say ‘hello’, and there is a pause, or the line seems muted or not like a regular call, then chances are that is being made via internet, is an un-traceable line. If the caller is a foreigner, then be alert!

If you have caller id on your handset, and it is a big long overseas number, you are best off not answering!

HAHA Google Vs Edge Browsers!

I always laugh when thinking of this clip when I install the better Chrome, and get rid of Edge as the default Browser!

Internet Explorer Vs Google Chrome

"We going incognito, bro?" 😂Viva La Dirt League

Posted by UNILAD Tech on Thursday, 15 March 2018

Large Update for Windows 10

If you have noted Windows updates that are slow to download and install, then don’t be surprised! One update is over 3 Gb in size. Many unhappy customers who are on a data plan, and it seems to go nowhere!

If the update fails, it starts again, and many computers end up having major issues related to updates that have gone bad!

If you are on a data plan, make sure you tell Windows it is a metered connection, and updates will only happen when you are on a connection such as wifi.

Also, after the big update, Windows will ask you to confirm your Privacy settings. Do not choose ‘Express” settings, always use the ‘customise’ option, if needed. I usually turn off all the options presented, except for ‘location’ which may be handy. All the others are not wanted, just read them!

Windows 10 Update asks to ‘Review Settings’

We have had a few calls from concerned people who are alarmed by the screen from Windows asking to review and choose your privacy settings.

We can confirm that this is a legitimate Microsoft screen. It pays to be cautious about these things, but you can dismiss this screen a few times, until you find that you can’t do anything without following it through.

Windows 10 privacy is a contentious issue. This is in part because Windows 10 is integrated with cloud-based features like Cortana, and it has features influenced by mobile such as determining your location. Then there’s Microsoft’s more questionable goals, like scooping up diagnostic data and gathering information for better ad-targeting.

In previous versions of Windows 10, managing privacy was, to put it mildly, an insane process. Settings were strewn all over the operating system and the web.

Privacy isn’t much better in the recently released Creators Update, but Microsoft has consolidated its web-based privacy information related to a user’s Microsoft Account. In addition, privacy settings on the PC are a little more helpful.

Generally, I will turn off all, except location sharing. This is helpful when searching, but who want’s targeted advertising?

Vodafone to ditch e-mail services!

Vodafone announced last week that it will stop it’s email services from November 30! This means if you are a @vodafone,,, email user, you will be left without email.

They will auto forward emails on to another provider, but you will need to use the link in an email they sent you to do so.

They advise you should set up a new web based email account, like Gmail or, or any others of your choice, and let your contacts know your new address.

Some help in migrating your email address can be found HERE.

We can offer an email service for you, if you do not want a free one. Email addresses feature This is a paid for service, and costs $25/year. If you want to know more, please contact us on 09 439 4315.

Choose the RIGHT Browser!

Just a note to internet users, make sure you use an updated browser like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox and don’t use Internet Explorer.

Most of the problems we see come about the computer ‘freezing’ and slow are solved by asking which browser you are using! What do you click on?

Oh – I just click on the blue E ! Well don’t.

Internet Explorer is not good enough when you are on Facebook and watch video or other media.

The new Edge browser on Windows 10 is improved, but still can cause problems. Microsoft trying to better Google Chrome, but they fall short.

Stick with Google Chrome, or your preferred one, and make sure to keep it updated!

Cheap Laptop for the kids or YOU!

We have secured stocks of some used, but well checked over and reloaded laptops. These are a great option for an extra laptop for kids, or indeed anyone who needs another cheap laptop.

We have some 14in HP’s and some 15in Toshiba’s from only $199. All have webcams, wireless, fresh windows and all with 3 month warranty. Call us or call in for details! more info here.

Petya Ransomware causes concern

A week ago, a new ransomware variant known as Petya began sweeping across the globe, impacting a wide range of industries and organisations, including critical infrastructure such as energy, banking, and transportation systems.

This variant is part of a new wave of multi-vector ransomware attacks that Fortinet is calling “ransomworm”, which takes advantage of timely exploits. The ransomworm is designed to move across multiple systems automatically, rather than stay in one place. It appears that the Petya ransomworm is using similar current vulnerabilities that were exploited during the recent Wannacry attack.

This variant, however, rather than focusing on a single organisation, uses a broad-brush approach that targets any device it can find that its attached worm is able to exploit. It appears that this attack started with the distribution of an Excel document that exploits a known Microsoft Office exploit. Because additional attack vectors were used in this exploit, patching alone would have been inadequate to completely stop this exploit, which means that patching needs to be combined with good security tools and practices.

We recommend and sell Bullguard Internet Security. Remember, update your Windows, back-up you files regularly, and have decent Protection! Click the pic to go and download a free 60 day trial. You can by a subscription from us if you want!


Microsoft released 10S

Microsoft launched its latest version of Windows 10, Windows 10 S. It’s designed for education and to take on Chromebooks and Chrome OS. Just like Google’s own OS, Windows 10 S is fairly locked down in places and you’ll only be able to run apps from the Windows Store.

It is faster and will give more battery life, but say goodbye to being able to install all your favourite programs, you will have to go the the Microsoft Store to get ‘Apps” for it. The Microsoft Store has been lacking in quality apps, and they hope software makers will get on-board, so we will see.

Microsoft will support alternative browsers in the Windows Store, but Windows 10 S users won’t be able to alter their default browser. That means if you click on a link from an app in Windows 10 S then you’ll be forced into Microsoft’s Edge browser. That’s similar to Google’s Chrome OS, which only lets you use Chrome as the browser.

Microsoft is also locking down Microsoft Edge to only work with its Bing search engine in Windows 10 S. That means you won’t be able to switch to Google search to easily type in queries in the address bar or elsewhere, and you’ll have to access the search service through

Fortunately, if you need desktop apps that aren’t in the Windows Store then Microsoft has a quick fix for Windows 10 S. For $49 you can upgrade to Windows 10 Pro and get access to desktop apps.

If you are like me and want the flexibility to customise your computer the way you like it, and have the programs installed that you know and like, this another reason to hang on to Windows 7!

Our Website upgrade

We have updated our website to make it cleaner, more user friendly, and mobile device friendly. We hope you like the new look, and new features.

It’s not really about us, we always aimed to provide an easy to use starting page for our customers, and make it liked and useful 🙂 the best homepage for all!

The emails can be accessed by the green email icon on the left hand side.

You can change the appearance of the internet links by clicking on the ‘classic’ button on the right hand side.

There is also instructions on how to make our site your ‘homepage’ at the top left of the page.

Try the Google Map button on the RHS.  Also the Weather button. With Location sharing ON in Google Chrome, it will give you the closest Weather Station!

When viewed on a mobile device, the layout is completely different, the common links are as buttons, and if you want more, click the more button at the bottom, and get all the banks, News and much more!

You can contact us via the contact at the bottom!

If you prefer our old site, there is a green link below the google search. To make the old site your homepage, follow the ‘homepage’ instructions, and add /classic/ after in your homepage setting.